Each time we run a Programme it is slightly different from its predecessors. This is in order to keep it (and us) fresh, and to encourage dancers to explore new combinations and ways of thinking creatively about their Tango.
We prefer to focus on the purpose of a class, related to individual dancers’ needs, rather than base your choice of classes purely on how long you’ve been dancing.
For example, many people whose main class is the Progressive Programme also come to the Technical Foundation classes to work on their technique, whilst most of the Integration Programme dancers also do the Progressive Programme to widen or revise their Tango repertoire. Our aim is to continue to provide you with an ever improving approach to learning and enjoying Tango. Click here for details of our range of classes.
Of course, couples are most welcome but lots of singles come as well. Tango is a great way to make new friends, after all, that’s how we met! As in any partner dance there is no guarantee that we will get even numbers of men and women on a given night, but we actively manage both the total number of people in a class and the balance of Leaders to Followers. We encourage people to swap partners from time to time to learn how to lead and follow different people – a vital skill for dancing Tango socially. However, we also respect the fact that many couples prefer to dance together, so we do not insist on swapping partners every five minutes just to overcome an imbalance of Leaders and Followers.
Some teachers use a “move of the week” approach where they teach a stand-alone sequence of steps, irrespective of how it fits into the rest of your dance. In contrast, we always focus on integrating every element – steps, connection, leading and following, and how to fit it all together to interpret the music. To foster this way of learning, all our classes build week on week. We welcome new dancers, but we find that the “drop in” approach rarely helps dancers improve. If you would like to come along, please contact us beforehand to reserve your place and to discuss how best we can help you join in seamlessly.
Our classes are followed by a short Practice session where you can go back over the material covered in the Class. This is invaluable in helping to fix it in your memory as well as fine tuning your technique. We are also on hand, to help sort out any remaining difficulties with that evening’s lesson.
Tango is a dance for people of all ages and this is reflected in the composition of the Tango South community. Our youngest dancers are in their twenties, we have a lot of thirty and forty somethings, as well as a number of retired people.